After 11mths building this oven (and still not finished, geez I'm slow
) I fired the oven up yesterday for the first time.
I didn't want to make the oven to hot to quick so it was a small fire that I later grew into a medium one.
The oven took roughly 4 hrs to heat to what I would call a cooking temperature and it still took 25 min to cook the pizza. I had three pizzas in there as doing one at a time would have been to time consuming.
My wife wasn't overly impressed but I assured her the oven will perform better with each firing as there is still a lot of moisture/water trapped.
While the fire was in the center the dome was cool to touch but that changed when the coals were on the side.
The outside of the oven with the fire against it got quite hot I panicked for a sec but then realised it's probably just steam escaping even though I couldn't see it.
What I also realised is 1/3 of my wood needs to be tossed as it had a very strange awful marijuana kind of smell to it. I also chucked in a piece of red gum I had which didn't last long as it was very smoky and also had a strong smell so it was out rather quickly.
The hardwood fence posts were great, little smoke and little odor so that's something to focus on when acquiring more wood.
All in all it was fun a little stressful at times with the smelly wood etc but fun.
I took a few temp readings and the best I got was the floor around 150-180c depending where the fire was, walls around 220-240c and top of dome was around 350c. You can see from these reading why the pizza didn't cook well but I'm hopping to fire her up again next week so hopefully there'll be an improvement.
No cracks that I can see except a small once from flue to front of arch right in the middle but no biggie I can deal with that and once sealed it wont be seen.
Temp this morning 12hrs later is center of floor 60c, walls, 70c and top of dome 80c give or take a few degrees. That's not bad considering the oven never really heated up properly and there was no door (haven't built yet) so the oven was completely open all night.
I have taken a few pics which I'll load up tonight.

I didn't want to make the oven to hot to quick so it was a small fire that I later grew into a medium one.
The oven took roughly 4 hrs to heat to what I would call a cooking temperature and it still took 25 min to cook the pizza. I had three pizzas in there as doing one at a time would have been to time consuming.
My wife wasn't overly impressed but I assured her the oven will perform better with each firing as there is still a lot of moisture/water trapped.
While the fire was in the center the dome was cool to touch but that changed when the coals were on the side.
The outside of the oven with the fire against it got quite hot I panicked for a sec but then realised it's probably just steam escaping even though I couldn't see it.
What I also realised is 1/3 of my wood needs to be tossed as it had a very strange awful marijuana kind of smell to it. I also chucked in a piece of red gum I had which didn't last long as it was very smoky and also had a strong smell so it was out rather quickly.
The hardwood fence posts were great, little smoke and little odor so that's something to focus on when acquiring more wood.
All in all it was fun a little stressful at times with the smelly wood etc but fun.
I took a few temp readings and the best I got was the floor around 150-180c depending where the fire was, walls around 220-240c and top of dome was around 350c. You can see from these reading why the pizza didn't cook well but I'm hopping to fire her up again next week so hopefully there'll be an improvement.
No cracks that I can see except a small once from flue to front of arch right in the middle but no biggie I can deal with that and once sealed it wont be seen.
Temp this morning 12hrs later is center of floor 60c, walls, 70c and top of dome 80c give or take a few degrees. That's not bad considering the oven never really heated up properly and there was no door (haven't built yet) so the oven was completely open all night.
I have taken a few pics which I'll load up tonight.