Season Greetings to All WFO'ers.
The oven is fired up, as I am attempting a Turducken for the first time, 7.4kg beast now about half way through cooking for our family feast tonite.
Adelaide has had a beautiful day, currently 21deg C.
Should be a wonderfully mild evening to enjoy an ale or two, and the odd red wine with our Xmas roast meal this evening.
Tomorrow is about enjoying wonderful local oysters, prawns and mussels, along with Red Gum Smoked leg of ham, and leftover turducken with salads.
Should be a relaxing family day at home.
I wish all a very safe and enjoyable festive season wherever you are.
Happy Christmas
The oven is fired up, as I am attempting a Turducken for the first time, 7.4kg beast now about half way through cooking for our family feast tonite.
Adelaide has had a beautiful day, currently 21deg C.

Tomorrow is about enjoying wonderful local oysters, prawns and mussels, along with Red Gum Smoked leg of ham, and leftover turducken with salads.

I wish all a very safe and enjoyable festive season wherever you are.
Happy Christmas
