Re: San Diego: need installer
I have been out of the oven loop for some time due to work on my sakman outrigger canoe (47' long). Back on track now to finish my oven. I have the catenary dome ready for home brew mortar mix. I am working out the numbers for the flue size. Using an 8" Diam flue, my ratio of Area of Flue to Area of Door (12' radius) comes out to .222. This is twice the minimum of .10; I am ok with th 8" flue.
I have been out of the oven loop for some time due to work on my sakman outrigger canoe (47' long). Back on track now to finish my oven. I have the catenary dome ready for home brew mortar mix. I am working out the numbers for the flue size. Using an 8" Diam flue, my ratio of Area of Flue to Area of Door (12' radius) comes out to .222. This is twice the minimum of .10; I am ok with th 8" flue.