Anyone ever do a baked/roasted bloomin onion in a WFO?? I have a fair idea on how to do it but I'm curious if anyone has actually done one. Hoping this hot and humid weather leaves Toledo so we can enjoy firing up the oven again.
Re: bloomin onion
Good question, I have done a beer can chicken at 600 and the skin did not get crisp, and I have read where that others found it better to grill their wings vs using the oven, not sure if that is due to crisping the skin or just over all ease.
Have you gotten crispy wings out of your oven?
Re: bloomin onion
Isn't crispy skin mostly a function of having really dry skin when you cook (ala the Zuni chicken method)? As someone who never eats skin (texture thing, skeeves me out) and thus has never eaten a wing, I'm clearly not an authority on this subject. But I have read a lot of people talking about crispy skin in relation to the dry brine and Zuni chicken methods for cooking turkeys and chickens. Try leaving your wings or chicken, or turkey) uncovered in the fridge for a day to get really nice and dry and see if that makes a difference.Nikki
Re: bloomin onion
Apparently C5dad had some success with wings =>
Should ask him, btw I love skin, especially crispy skin.Our Facebook Page:
Re: bloomin onion
In the case I had, it was a hot fire, the wings being stirred and turned every 5 minutes and cooking for about 25 minutes. I will post the picture which I have negligently not posted since Sunday. Be sure to keep the wings about 1 inch (2.5 cm) away from the hot side of the roasting pan or they might burn. I placed the roasting pan about 3 inches inside the oven on the fire side to get that wonderful radient heat and some smoke!
Not sure what wood you cook with, but I use mesquite which is known in our parts as hard and hot! So hot that I had to rotate the roasting pan each 5 minutes because it was warping the darn thing.
Re: bloomin onion
My oven gets the skin of poultry pretty crispy. I cook with clay pots that are made to be used on and around open flames and can withstand pretty insane heat. If you have the patience to get that oven hot go for it. Do a few at a time at first and keep the oil away from open flames so you don't have an oil fire. well actually I did do that once with shrimp and they were incredible but it was scary and not intentional. Sizzling Shrimp "Flambe". The guests liked it.
Re: bloomin onion
We have tried them in Chilis, but do not know how to even get started! Any ideas?Where can I find logs? I need more!
Finishing the WFO will come after the barn is completed
Re: bloomin onion
I haven't tried it, but here is a recipe for a baked bloomin' onion, that sounds promising.
Edit: And another one.Last edited by Gulf; 05-18-2014, 08:37 AM.Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build
Re: bloomin onion
On the chicken part of this discussion - I make Arroz con Pollo in my oven and it comes out with fantastically crispy skin. Made it for 8 last Thurs, and everyone was raving about how the skin was the best ever and the chicken still moist.
I throw browned chicken thighs skin-side up on top of rice & broth in a paella pan while it cooks with a live fire. Initially, I have to put foil over the top of pan to keep the top from cooking too much. About ten minutes before it is done, I take off the foil and let the chicken get nice and crispy. I've cooked it 3 or 4 times. Always comes out fantastic!