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A pizza party format that works really well

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  • A pizza party format that works really well

    We are only up to firing #3 but have stumbled onto a format for a group of 12 or so people that works really well. Not that I think we are the first to do this, but some may not have thought of it.

    We make a heap of 150g balls of floured dough and sit them in a muffin tray. All the toppings are in plastic containers set out on a wooden table.

    I found these baking trays that are really slippery and bought 5 of them

    Click image for larger version

Name:	baking tray.png
Views:	459
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ID:	444056

    At the beginning I do a little demo of how to make a pizza, particularly pointing out flour underneath the dough, which is shaped and then put onto the tray before toppings are added.

    Then I leave people to make pizzas. I have been the cook mostly as people are intimidated by sliding their creation into the oven, but I let them do it if they want - results can vary

    The thing that works is that people aren't making their own pizza, they are making to share. So everyone gets to have fun, make as many as they like and there is a variety, with people grazing as they come out of the oven.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by microbe; 01-17-2022, 12:18 AM.

  • #2
    I totally agree, this is the way we do it too. Normally the floured dough is placed on a wooden placing peel. About 1/4 tsp of semolina sprinkled on the placing peel acts like mini ball bearings and assists in sliding the pizzas off. Cooking individual pizzas for individual guests just slows the operation down. Sharing also encourages experimentation and adventure to try something different.
    Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.


    • #3
      Thumbs up for the semolina tip. Thanks

