Had a party on Saturday. Once the sun went down, and the temps started cooling, everyone, all 50 of them, were calling for the pizza oven to be christened. The adult bevereges kicked in, and I could do anything. Fired up the oven with a good hot fire. I actually got the full white inside the oven! Anyway, the chef at the party was impressing the girls in the kitchen, tossing the dough. The first pizza he made up (with my dough & sauce!) was a little thin. The center tore and when I went to turn the pizza, it folded. That one went into the fire. The next one, I told him to make it a little thicker. He did. I when to turn it, and I pushed it right into the fire, another massacre! The third one I had to take a breath and clear my head. I set it nicely where I wanted it. I saw the fire side of the crust starting to smoke a little and carefully turned it. I was a little too late. So I pulled it. It was edible, and got good reviews, except for the charred crust on the one side. I put #4 in, and got the same results.
For the next few pizza's, I'm going to keep the temps a good bit less than 700*+ on the floor and 900*+ at the dome. All in all, a great day & nite, just wish the pizza's turned out a bit better. I guess I'll have to have another party in the future, when I have it all figured out. I thought the building and design of the oven was going to be the tough part!
For the next few pizza's, I'm going to keep the temps a good bit less than 700*+ on the floor and 900*+ at the dome. All in all, a great day & nite, just wish the pizza's turned out a bit better. I guess I'll have to have another party in the future, when I have it all figured out. I thought the building and design of the oven was going to be the tough part!
