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Eric Kayser's Bread book

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  • Eric Kayser's Bread book

    Does anyone have this? The full title is:
    " 100% Pain : La saga du pain envelopp?e de 60 recettes croustillantes" and it appears it's only in print in French.
    I really, REALLY want his baguette cereals and pain de campagne recipes but I'm not thrilled about buying the book (having to translate via my almost non-existent French) AND getting totally screwed on international shipping without some idea whether it's a useful book. It sounds like the "cereals" recipe is actually in there but the report about it I read over at The Fresh Loaf website says it isn't the same as the real thing.

    Also curious to know if Leader's "Bread Alone" version of Pain au levain aux quatre cereals is at all like the real baguette cereals from EK. It's based on the "Quintessential French Sourdough" recipe which I have made and loved, but I don't recall it being like what I ate from EK in Paris. Regardless, it's going on my to-bake shortlist with the addition of a couple more seeds that I recall from the real thing...


  • #2
    Re: Eric Kayser's Bread book

    If you a bit scared of translating, give Google translate a go and see if it'll work for you. I have a friend who swears by the French / English and Mandarin / English translations. If you do decide to go for the book, we, our family, checks and uses the Amazon Canadian site to order current French language books. If it's out of print and you can find the ISBN number then you'll find a bunch of used book stores popup if you search using the ISBN.

    Best of luck to you!



    • #3
      Re: Eric Kayser's Bread book

      There is one available on
      ISBN 978-2263042447 - $27.50 Canadian $


      • #4
        Re: Eric Kayser's Bread book

        That is a very pretty cover shot!



        • #5
          Re: Eric Kayser's Bread book

          Thanks Chris. Canadian Amazon isn't something I had thought of. Great idea. Better exchange rate and hopefully cheaper shipping!
          I use online translators all the time, but the idea of typing in all that text makes me cringe and I'm not sure if I have the patience to try and scan and get character recognition to work to extract the text for cut and paste, kwim?
          Currently having the same issue with a German magazine article that I and my house were in. Don't want to know what it says bad enough to type the whole thing into a translator.


          • #6
            Re: Eric Kayser's Bread book


            Are there any schools in your area that might have a language arts program that would be interested in translating for you. You could sell it off to the profs as a little extra credit work for the students, and you can reap the rewards of their hard work.


