I made a batch of sourdough bread this weekend. I followed the BBA recipe for basic sourdough. I used King Arthur breadflour, did an overnight ferment of both the firm starter and the dough. I formed 4 batards and then baked them. I haven't built my WFO yet so I did it in the house. I put a steam pan in the bottom of the oven, had perfect slash marks did all the steaming and spraybottle stuff and rotated the loaves etc. After 20 minutes the house smelled like heaven. The loaves were perfectly browned. They had risen perfectly and had a beautiful crackly crust. I set them out on the counter to cool and had to shoo away the hungry kiddos with a broom. After 2 hours of cooling I cut into one and immediatly had all 4 kids clamouring for a piece. I cut 4 slices and examined it. The crust was the best I have done. There were large irregular holes with a soft almost creamy crumb. I cut myself a nice slice and took a bite and started to chew. It was then that I realized that I had omitted the salt. I guess that I will call it tuscan bread and tell people that it is supposed to taste like paste. Oh well... Maybe I can do it again but with salt.
