First things first...a big thanks to Faith and Jay for their indispensible help in steering a rookie through the process. Quite literally, I couldn't have done it without them.
The bread I baked yesterday doesn't compare to the stuff the experts bake, but for a first attempt at sourdough (and from my homemade starter!) I'm very happy with the results....and it was delicious...and everyone loved it.
The back story is that I had my first fire in my oven five days ago. I went way overboard and made the fire bigger than I should have for a first fire. But I figured that since I did that and the oven didn't blow up in a cloud of steam, I might as well push on. So I had another fire on day two, and then on day three did the first pizza cook with the kids. The oven has remained temps no lower than three hundred degrees for the past five days. It has no cladding anywhere but is insulated to the hilt and stays hot like nobody's business.
The morning after the first pizza cook the thermocouple located between the brick floor and insulation was registering at 620 degrees. Yesterday morning (thirty-six hours later) it was still over three hundred degrees. Suffice it to say that I am impressed with the way these masonry ovens stay hot.
So we had the first big pizza party scheduled for last night...but my oven was still hot from two days ago, and I was anxious to cook some bread. So I sponged advice from Faith and Jay and lit a fire yesterday one to bring the oven up to bread baking temps. Since the oven was already at three hundred degrees, it didn't take long for the fire to get the oven into the bread baking range.
I followed Jay and Faith's advice as best I could (I think I screwed up by doing a stretch and fold immiediately before forming the loaves and thereby knocked a lot of the gas out of the dough??? I also had it rising at 73 degrees for the bulk fementation and the stage after having formed the loaves...rather than the 76 degrees I was instructed.). I have a number of more specific questions but I'll save those for a different thread. Anyway...I'll get better I hope..
So after about a one hour burn, I raked the fire/coals out of the oven, cleaned up, wet mopped it out, left the door open for about forty minutes to bring the oven down from a tad over six hundred to around 550, and put six loaves in. Those turned out great and the next five loaves went in right after. I put a dutch oven full of ice in with the bread, I don't think I needed that much ice because it hadn't evaporated away buy the end of the first batch. The first batch took right at thirty minutes. The oven temp was around 530 when I pulled out the first batch. The second batch took about the same amount of time.
We had our first big pizza party scheduled for last night and guests started arriving as I was pulling the second batch of bread out. I immediately started another fire to bring it back up to pizza temps. The thermocouple between the brick and insulation was five fifty or so. The roof was clearing in under an hour and the deep thermocouple were back over six hundred within a few minutes after that. The IR gun was reading 800 on the floor. It equallized as I was cleaning up and pushing coals to the side abd we then proceeded to cook approximately twenty five pizzas over the next hour. We frequently had three going at a time and they were cooking very quickly. (Two minutes or less depending on how many toppings people were putting o them.)
The bread is great...didn't rise quite as much as I would have liked...but I was happy with the results for a first attempt.
Here are the pics
(My brother and his wife insisted that I wear the apron they bought me for the occasion. I drew tthe line at the matching chef's hat.)

I did eleven loaves but between the time people started arriving for the party and when the pizzas startted getting cooked, four loaves got chopped up and dipped in olive oil and balsamic.
The bread I baked yesterday doesn't compare to the stuff the experts bake, but for a first attempt at sourdough (and from my homemade starter!) I'm very happy with the results....and it was delicious...and everyone loved it.
The back story is that I had my first fire in my oven five days ago. I went way overboard and made the fire bigger than I should have for a first fire. But I figured that since I did that and the oven didn't blow up in a cloud of steam, I might as well push on. So I had another fire on day two, and then on day three did the first pizza cook with the kids. The oven has remained temps no lower than three hundred degrees for the past five days. It has no cladding anywhere but is insulated to the hilt and stays hot like nobody's business.
The morning after the first pizza cook the thermocouple located between the brick floor and insulation was registering at 620 degrees. Yesterday morning (thirty-six hours later) it was still over three hundred degrees. Suffice it to say that I am impressed with the way these masonry ovens stay hot.
So we had the first big pizza party scheduled for last night...but my oven was still hot from two days ago, and I was anxious to cook some bread. So I sponged advice from Faith and Jay and lit a fire yesterday one to bring the oven up to bread baking temps. Since the oven was already at three hundred degrees, it didn't take long for the fire to get the oven into the bread baking range.
I followed Jay and Faith's advice as best I could (I think I screwed up by doing a stretch and fold immiediately before forming the loaves and thereby knocked a lot of the gas out of the dough??? I also had it rising at 73 degrees for the bulk fementation and the stage after having formed the loaves...rather than the 76 degrees I was instructed.). I have a number of more specific questions but I'll save those for a different thread. Anyway...I'll get better I hope..
So after about a one hour burn, I raked the fire/coals out of the oven, cleaned up, wet mopped it out, left the door open for about forty minutes to bring the oven down from a tad over six hundred to around 550, and put six loaves in. Those turned out great and the next five loaves went in right after. I put a dutch oven full of ice in with the bread, I don't think I needed that much ice because it hadn't evaporated away buy the end of the first batch. The first batch took right at thirty minutes. The oven temp was around 530 when I pulled out the first batch. The second batch took about the same amount of time.
We had our first big pizza party scheduled for last night and guests started arriving as I was pulling the second batch of bread out. I immediately started another fire to bring it back up to pizza temps. The thermocouple between the brick and insulation was five fifty or so. The roof was clearing in under an hour and the deep thermocouple were back over six hundred within a few minutes after that. The IR gun was reading 800 on the floor. It equallized as I was cleaning up and pushing coals to the side abd we then proceeded to cook approximately twenty five pizzas over the next hour. We frequently had three going at a time and they were cooking very quickly. (Two minutes or less depending on how many toppings people were putting o them.)
The bread is great...didn't rise quite as much as I would have liked...but I was happy with the results for a first attempt.
Here are the pics
(My brother and his wife insisted that I wear the apron they bought me for the occasion. I drew tthe line at the matching chef's hat.)

I did eleven loaves but between the time people started arriving for the party and when the pizzas startted getting cooked, four loaves got chopped up and dipped in olive oil and balsamic.
