After my bake last week I wanted to go big this time. Did the same sourdough recipe Jay and Faith gave me only I increased it seven fold. I am now way beyond what my Kitchen Aide Pro can handle so I mixed this one by hand in a big storage tub. Pretty darn cool. We had a bunch of people over for a day time pool party/evening pizza party so I had an audience for a lot of this stuff. Everyone thought I was out of my mind when theysaw the size of the dough ball during the bulk fermentation...5500 grams of flour :-)
I also wanted to try using banetons for all of those loaves as well, but about died when I saw they cost about thirty bucks a piece. So it occurred to me that I might be able to use those plastic baskets you get a burger and fries in at some casual restaurants. So I went to the local Smart & Final restaurant supply place and bought three dozen of those baskets for a buck each. I also bought three ratan baskets like chips would come in at a mexican restaurant. I used cut up pieces of a couple of old t-shirts to line the plastic baskets, and put the loaves directly in the ratan ones. Worked out great. I also did a couple of baguettes for the first time as well. No baneton for those.
And no blowouts this time! Definitely slashing deeper.
After pulling the bread out I re-fired the oven for forty-five minutes and we all got in to the act and made a bunch of pizzas. Good fun.
Here are some pics
Me slashing loaves with a buddy loading bread...note my one dollar banetons.

My first ever baguettes and the obligatory chardonay and margarita in the foreground....I'm pretty sure the dog has a plan in mind.

The sourdough!

The crumb...
I also wanted to try using banetons for all of those loaves as well, but about died when I saw they cost about thirty bucks a piece. So it occurred to me that I might be able to use those plastic baskets you get a burger and fries in at some casual restaurants. So I went to the local Smart & Final restaurant supply place and bought three dozen of those baskets for a buck each. I also bought three ratan baskets like chips would come in at a mexican restaurant. I used cut up pieces of a couple of old t-shirts to line the plastic baskets, and put the loaves directly in the ratan ones. Worked out great. I also did a couple of baguettes for the first time as well. No baneton for those.
And no blowouts this time! Definitely slashing deeper.
After pulling the bread out I re-fired the oven for forty-five minutes and we all got in to the act and made a bunch of pizzas. Good fun.
Here are some pics
Me slashing loaves with a buddy loading bread...note my one dollar banetons.

My first ever baguettes and the obligatory chardonay and margarita in the foreground....I'm pretty sure the dog has a plan in mind.

The sourdough!

The crumb...
