Re: Bread of Land & Sea
First the disclaimer: I only dream about making bread that is edible, let alone reaching your standard.
Now the opinion:
Most people seem to say salt impedes yeast growth, but we all put a little salt in our dough to get some taste.
Seawater contains about 35 grams of salt per litre.
Given that you might put, say, 700mls seawater per kilo of flour, you'll be putting about 25 grams of salt to your kilo of flour. i.e. about 2.5% salt.
That appears to fall right in the range most people recommend, I think?
Then consider not all of the salt in seawater is sodium chloride.
Some is magnesium chloride, some is calcium (sulphate?).
I believe magnesium is a yeast nutrient, calcium inhibits the effect of the magnesium. Just saw this on a homebrewing website.
However there is much more magnesium than calcium in seawater, see Wikipedia, so I'm guessing that the net effect will be good for the yeast.
In theory at least, using seawater should work very well.
And how cool when you tell people that delicious bread they are eating was made with sea water?
Wish I'd thought of it.
How do you get all these good ideas?
Personally I can't point to having one single original idea in my entire life!Last edited by wotavidone; 02-27-2014, 04:33 PM.
Re: Bread of Land & Sea
Hello Annie M
Here is one article that may help. Seawater Sourdough Wheat Bread | The Fresh Loaf
And another. Ocean bread
Let us know how it comes out.
Re: Bread of Land & Sea
Really neat, might give the saltwater a try but skip the seaweed, not sure I could get myself to eat that, lol. We have a salt water aquarium so buy a mix to create salt water, always have 15 or 20 gallons on hand so might give that a try. It's only the salt mix made with water from a reverse osmosis filter so should be pretty close. We use the fresh water from the machine for our coffee and hasn't hurt us. Will report back if we try it.
Re: Bread of Land & Sea
I wish my first attempt looked like that. Quite a compliment from Faith since she is one of the pro bread makers on the forum.Russell
Google Photo Album [https://photos.google.com/share/AF1Q...JneXVXc3hVNHd3/]
Re: Bread of Land & Sea
Looks very good.
Finally had a little success with bread myself on the weekend.
One loaf only, after making pizzas and ook ook.
My wife picked up two 2L garden sprayers for $8 the pair, on special at the supermarket.
One is for the oven, better make sure I clearly mark which one is for spraying the weeds, and I experimented with giving the oven a decent spray before and after putting the loaf in.
The oven spring you get when the oven is steamed properly!
Bloke I went to school with owns the local Baker's Delight, and in his words "Yeah mate, you can't bake bread without steam."
So anyway, what internal temperature do you aim for? I've been given a nice little thermo couple reader.