I was at the store today and looked at the protein contents of various flours (heaven only knows what the employees thought of me reading all the bags!). My understanding has always been that bread flour has more protein in it than AP flour. Does the caputo have less protein than AP flour?
I was looking at White Lily flour, and it says it's made from soft wheat, and it did have less protein in it than AP flour. It also said that to exchange it with AP flour you'd have to add 2 tablespoons of it per cup. I was wondering if it would substitute for caputo in pizza dough better than AP flour would. This was NOT self-rising flour, by the way.
I do have a 5 pack of caputo, but I'm having trouble bringing myself to use it- I'm not happy with my dough or my skills yet, and I'd hate to waste it on an inferior batch! "fear of good flour"... a strange thing for someone who isn't afraid of much in the kitchen!
I was looking at White Lily flour, and it says it's made from soft wheat, and it did have less protein in it than AP flour. It also said that to exchange it with AP flour you'd have to add 2 tablespoons of it per cup. I was wondering if it would substitute for caputo in pizza dough better than AP flour would. This was NOT self-rising flour, by the way.
I do have a 5 pack of caputo, but I'm having trouble bringing myself to use it- I'm not happy with my dough or my skills yet, and I'd hate to waste it on an inferior batch! "fear of good flour"... a strange thing for someone who isn't afraid of much in the kitchen!
