My sourdough got contaminated somehow- we had the beer fridge die on us after a thunderstorm and guess where my sourdough was stored? Anyway, it got up to 85 degrees in there before I realized the fridge was deceased. (yes, I know, "how could I not know the BEER fridge was dead?!?" well, I don't drink it, that's how)
My starter smelled absolutely horrendous. Dead. Even with plastic wrap and a rubber band on it, it was, quite frankly, among the worst smells I have encountered, and I have encountered some bad ones in my day. I'm afraid I just had to pitch it (and hope it didn't eat my plumbing on its way out). I wouldn't have wanted to even attempt to save it- the smell, as I worked it back up, would have caused a divorce...
So, does anyone have a nice vigorous starter they'd like to dry and share with me? I'll be happy to send an envelope with a stamp so it doesn't cost you anything! I know I could begin again, but I'd like to speed up the process if possible. My poor lamented starter took forever to get up to speed last year...
Can anyone help a sourdough fiend out? Please?
My starter smelled absolutely horrendous. Dead. Even with plastic wrap and a rubber band on it, it was, quite frankly, among the worst smells I have encountered, and I have encountered some bad ones in my day. I'm afraid I just had to pitch it (and hope it didn't eat my plumbing on its way out). I wouldn't have wanted to even attempt to save it- the smell, as I worked it back up, would have caused a divorce...
So, does anyone have a nice vigorous starter they'd like to dry and share with me? I'll be happy to send an envelope with a stamp so it doesn't cost you anything! I know I could begin again, but I'd like to speed up the process if possible. My poor lamented starter took forever to get up to speed last year...
Can anyone help a sourdough fiend out? Please?