I went out to a spot yesterday that I frequent hunting for gold, they said that it was going to be about 30 degrees c, but it topped 35....
it was way too hot, with more on the way.
I had intending spending two night but I high tailed it out of there at 3 am this morning, just after the Koalas started fighting.
Its a 3 hour trip both ways, but when the weather is kind its well worth the effort.

My set up.

The creek.

One of the local skinks, its about 12" long.

I had intending spending two night but I high tailed it out of there at 3 am this morning, just after the Koalas started fighting.
Its a 3 hour trip both ways, but when the weather is kind its well worth the effort.

My set up.

The creek.

One of the local skinks, its about 12" long.