I know this thread hasn't seen action in a while. But the build and everything around it is absolutely astonishing. Sharkey I was inspired by your build and thanks for documenting and sharing.
Especially the oven opening and the vent. Looks great and I'd like to emulate it.
But for me, maybe I'm too stupid but I cant for the life of me figure out how you cut the bricks for the oven door so that the back of the bricks became part of the dome. Is there some kind of formula, instruction or hack you can share ?
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Building Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Sharkey - welcome back indeed! Add me to the list of people that copied your arch design (I think I actually copied two folks that copied you). I have taken to calling that shape the "serpentine arch", as I think it sounds as cool as it looks. Bringing back your pictures was an awesome thing to do and will serve as an inspiration to generations of future builders.
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Welcome Back Sharkey! Joe & Russell said it well and I'm sure everyone on the forum will benefit from your input and experience. All smiles here...
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Plus one on both thanking you for restoring this fine thread and welcoming you back to the forum. I know that it wasn't easy for you to go back and edit each post. My build thread was also a victim of the Photobucket.ransom. Though, I have started restoring my pics, I keep finding other things to do. You, restoring this beautiful and well documented build thread, have given me some much needed encouragement.
Again, thanks for restoring the pics and welcome back.
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Welcome back and it is great that you spent the time to restore you pics. Your build is one the finest on the forum, not many of us could match your original site that you had to build you oven on. The tapered inner arch, has become a main stay with builders although it is still a difficult concept to many to visualize. KD left the forum for a while but Gulf and I were able to convince him to let us restore his to main threads "cooking" and "48" oven". So we are glad you are back too to represent the Southern Hemi.
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I haven't been on the forum for a couple of years but recently returned to find that none of my photos were displaying thanks to Photobucket not allowing photo sharing unless you pay them an additional $400 per year.
As my build is very hard to understand without photos I have downloaded all my photos from Photobucket and then uploaded to Google. I have just finished replacing all the photos in this topic so they should be visible now.
I also think my build is significant on this site for a couple of reasons. I think Karangi's and my ovens are the first examples of shaping the arch bricks to fit the dome. We both got our bricks from Field Furnace and this is the way they recommended to do it. We were both building our domes in January 2011.
Also my reverse or 'S' curve flue transition (actually, it was my brother's idea) seems to be easy to do and works well and I know of other builders who have used this idea.
Oh, and the oven and area are still not finished. It's only been 8 years.
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The most amazing build yet, this should be in Architectural Digest.
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The things you can do with no snow load ! ! Looks fantastic Sharkey !
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Awesome Sharkey! Haven't been on in awhile and just saw this. An amazing cave
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Your build remains one of my favorites. Congratulations on the awning win!
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Re: Building Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Congrats all around, Sharkey! Must be satisfying to know your special place got recognized.
I especially love the part: "the client was insistent about getting what he wanted....!"
Thanks for sharing: your entire build and well-deserved award!
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Re: Building Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Well done Sharkey.....
As I said simply amazing..............
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Re: Building Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Originally posted by oasiscdm View PostSharkey
It is a shoe in - IT WILL WIN...........
It is an amazing setting
Category 10: Tension And Air Supported Structures (Coated Fabrics, Pvc Mesh Ptfe) Less Than 250sqm in the link below.
Specialised Textiles Association 2015 winners
So this was up against residential and commercial structures up to 250sqm
Check out the 'awning' that won category 12. 45,000sqm! That's over 11 acres
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Re: Building Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Being a newcomer to the Forum I am still catching up on everything - having seen your recent post on Dracs thread I followed the link in your signature to your build - Wow, and an inspirational build it is Sharkey. Everything looks good but I do like your timber bench tops with the SS landing.
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