I received this nice-looking photo in the email today, and I thought there were a couple of nice things to point out. The oven is in Cornwall, UK and it's working perfectly.
First, I really like the roof design, with two gables, and the indented roof line over the vent and chimney section of the oven. It's a really nice effect and it breaks up the monolithic roof. Excellent.
I also like the chimney. Great choice.
But what I really wanted to do was poke fun at English weather. Did you notice that both sections of the roof have gutters and functioning downspouts. Necessity is the mother of invention, and it looks great. Besides, you have to do something with all that rain. :-)
Great oven,
First, I really like the roof design, with two gables, and the indented roof line over the vent and chimney section of the oven. It's a really nice effect and it breaks up the monolithic roof. Excellent.
I also like the chimney. Great choice.
But what I really wanted to do was poke fun at English weather. Did you notice that both sections of the roof have gutters and functioning downspouts. Necessity is the mother of invention, and it looks great. Besides, you have to do something with all that rain. :-)
Great oven,