We just posted a new application on FornoBravo.com. It is an interactive map of the world's best pizzerias, and it lets you add comments and photos on the each restaurant or pizzeria, links to their web site and other restaurant reviews, and add your own favorite pizzerias to the map. You can also find addresses, phone numbers, driving directions, etc. It is based on Google Maps, so it can do just about anything. I've called the Artisan Pizza Map.
This is version 1.0 of the map, so let us know how it goes. After a testing period with FB Forum members, we will announce it on FB.com, and to the rest of the world.
I hope it is a fun project, and that we create something that is useful for everyone. It could grow to become a great resource for anyone who speaks English, anywhere in the world. Here's to new beginnings.
This is version 1.0 of the map, so let us know how it goes. After a testing period with FB Forum members, we will announce it on FB.com, and to the rest of the world.
I hope it is a fun project, and that we create something that is useful for everyone. It could grow to become a great resource for anyone who speaks English, anywhere in the world. Here's to new beginnings.