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Duane's 42" Build

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  • #16
    The reveal is right at a half inch on the right side and 5/8 on the left, not sure how I managed that. A wider reveal would be one of the things I would have approached differently had I done a little more research "creeping" before hand.
    Will just need to make it work at this point, sell the house when I'm done and try it again. lol!
    My Build photos


    • #17
      I need to figure out how to attach a signature that links to my build/photo gallery.
      My Build photos


      • #18
        Originally posted by Hamilton View Post
        I need to figure out how to attach a signature that links to my build/photo gallery.
        Goto your profile by clicking the right top picture with your name and choose user settings. Click account tab and then scroll down until you see edit post signature.

        Sweet build you have going on there. Very clean work.

        Last edited by Chach; 03-14-2022, 07:45 PM.
        My Build Pictures


        • #19
          Good morning.
          Made a little progress this past week or so. One more course and I will be ready to put a plug in it.
          Have attached a few photos showing the progress and also a couple of others.
          One of the photos is of the suspended slab after I had removed the plastic after 6 days of wet curing, it was was streaked up from where the wrinkles were in the plastic.
          The other photo of the slab is how it looks now when you get it wet, I kind of like the look.
          I am wondering if there is any way to maybe seal the concrete that would brighten it up and keep the moisture out?
          Not sure why it looks like it does, looks like maybe the sand in the mix came to the top creating the light colored veins, but I do like it.
          Attached Files
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          • #20
            Hey Ricky I forgot to say thanks for the help with the signature.
            My Build photos


            • #21
              I you can coat it with a concrete and stone sealer which will retain the wet look as well as prevent water wicking up into your underfloor insulation.
              Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.


              • #22
                Hey David.
                Is there a particular product that you would recommend?
                My Build photos


                • #23
                  I use a thinners based product. Crommelin concrete paving sealer.

                  Some holes drilled through the slab near the centre is also a good idea so moisture escaping the fire in the underfloor insulation has an exit.
                  Last edited by david s; 03-24-2022, 06:04 PM.
                  Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.


                  • #24
                    So close!
                    Hope to close in the next day or two and the start on the flue gallery and chimney.
                    My IT made from the caster had me concerned that I was going to hit vertical to soon but it looks like it is going to work out but will require a larger plug. To the newbies follow the experience of the veterans here on how to best handle your IT! Among other things!
                    Once I get this closed and move onto the gallery I am concerned about the size and flow of the gallery. The entry arch to the oven is 20" wide and 12.5" at the peak the arch.The way I have it set up the opening will only be about 6.5" in depth. Would the height of the gallery/flue before the chimney pipe help with the flow? Would like to avoid smoke coming out the front of the oven
                    Attached Files
                    My Build photos


                    • #25
                      very nice brick work
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                      • #26
                        Thanks Russell.
                        Your build was one that definitely set the bar for me to kept it up all the way to the top once I found this forum.
                        Do you by chance have any suggestions about my concerns with smoke coming out the front due to the fact that my flue gallery will only be about 6.5 inches from the back of the vent arch bricks to the oven entry?
                        I was thinking I might be able to build a taller flue, if that might help, but given the way I don't have a heat break that would just mean more heat loss to that area.

                        Thanks again
                        My Build photos


                        • #27
                          Grind off the sharp 90 degree edge of the arch brick to make a more rounder profile. I also inset the outer arch an inch smaller in diameter to make a lip at the outer arch. By doing this you have to make sure your door will come out through the outer arch. Since there is only 1/2" and 5/8" reveal this option will probably not work for you. But the rounding of the inner arch will. Also make sure the square inches of your chimney vent area is at least as large of the 8" ID chimney (need for an 42" oven). New ovens smoke a lot when new.
                          Google Photo Album []


                          • #28
                            Thanks, I will definitely round that edge.
                            I will also take a look at the front arch although the vertical bricks to that point are already set. We will see.
                            Hope to engrave my plug tomorrow and get it in place.
                            My Build photos


                            • #29
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2174.jpeg
Views:	287
Size:	405.8 KB
ID:	445743 Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2180.jpeg
Views:	267
Size:	424.5 KB
ID:	445744 Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_2181.jpeg
Views:	254
Size:	552.6 KB
ID:	445745
                              My Build photos


                              • #30
                                Engraving on the plug didn't turn out as detailed as I would have liked but it is done!
                                On to the entry arch and chimney to see what I can figure out there. Wish me luck.
                                My Build photos

