Hi Gang
I am just starting to look into the idea of buying/building an outdoor oven.
I have a whole list of questions and even a few likely off the wall ideas. Please let me boor you with just a few in this post.
1. I am in Wisconsin and wonder if it is possible to use an oven in the winter with -10F temps as often as 40F for 6 months of the year.
2. I have a crazy idea to form an oven from a casting of the inside of my wheelbarrow. It seems about the right size and shape for at least 1 16" pizza and a bit of a fire. A separate brick opening might be nice looking and functional if a chimney is needed, and a door seems preferred also. Can it be done? I haven't ever touched refractible cement mixtures, but have done pottery firing as an art teacher many times.
For any information any of you might be willing to share.
Merrill, WI
I am just starting to look into the idea of buying/building an outdoor oven.
I have a whole list of questions and even a few likely off the wall ideas. Please let me boor you with just a few in this post.
1. I am in Wisconsin and wonder if it is possible to use an oven in the winter with -10F temps as often as 40F for 6 months of the year.
2. I have a crazy idea to form an oven from a casting of the inside of my wheelbarrow. It seems about the right size and shape for at least 1 16" pizza and a bit of a fire. A separate brick opening might be nice looking and functional if a chimney is needed, and a door seems preferred also. Can it be done? I haven't ever touched refractible cement mixtures, but have done pottery firing as an art teacher many times.
For any information any of you might be willing to share.
Merrill, WI