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First rough draft oven design - Want comments

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  • #16
    Re: First rough draft oven design - Want comments

    Yes I think the Vault oven is the way to go for the easy build. It is also a proven oven design. I know for a fact that the vault oven has a very limited amount of cuts as well as they are all simple straight cuts. Allen Scott has a good oven plan for the oven itself. I will say I don't care much for the way he supports the oven on re-bar and the vermiculite/Portland layer. But the oven plans are good and easy.

    Good luck and most important ...Have Fun!
    Keep us updated on your build,


    • #17
      Re: First rough draft oven design - Want comments

      There is a lot wrong with the AS plans. Even if you build a low arch oven, the FB plans are far superior in regards to general construction and insulation.


      • #18
        Re: First rough draft oven design - Want comments

        Originally posted by Tscarborough View Post
        There is a lot wrong with the AS plans. Even if you build a low arch oven, the FB plans are far superior in regards to general construction and insulation.
        I just did a search and it looks like you built a kind of vault oven but it doesn't look like the AS variety. If I decide to build a vault and it's looking more and more like that's what I'll do, could you give me some advice on what you learned from your build?



        • #19
          Re: First rough draft oven design - Want comments

          I never saw the vault plans from FB where would you find them? I do agree with the faults in parts of the AS plans.

          I'm also interested in why you thought the structure of Craig's plan were sound. Both vault and dome ovens have multiple keystones. Craig's plans has one keystone and the corners are a sheer vertical line that does not add any support.

          What are your thoughts on specifics? perhaps we should start a new thread for this discussion?



          • #20
            Re: First rough draft oven design - Want comments

            I am sure he doesn't mind. That is a standard vault design, generally called a Tudor arch, or in his case a doubled Tudor arch.

            FB plans are only for the Pompei, I meant for how to build the base, hearth, insulation, not the actual design of the dome.


            • #21
              Re: First rough draft oven design - Want comments

              Look at Brickie's new oven, that is similar to how I will build my next one.

