Hiya. I love the idea of an WFO and I've got to say this web site is an impressive resource of information. I've downloaded the plans (thank you Forno Bravo) and will take my time to read through it. I'm 90% sure I want to build one of these, the first question is where to site it. I have the perfect place in a kitchen garden just to the side of the house, which is convenient for access to the kitchen, but I'm wondering if its too close to my house which is timber frame with a timber decking 30ft away? The other possible location is 150ft away near a summerhouse, the only downside being its further away!
Anyway if I take the plunge and go for it, I'll start a new thread and invite comments as I go along. Regards Chris.
Anyway if I take the plunge and go for it, I'll start a new thread and invite comments as I go along. Regards Chris.