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Moved to a house with an oven

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  • Moved to a house with an oven

    Hi, I recently moved into a house with what looks like an outdoor wood fired oven. It's 19.5" wide, 32" high and 23.5" deep. It seems to be made of regular household bricks, has a cast iron door with 2 close-able vents, no chimney (and no obvious way to retrofit a chimney). I'll post pictures if I can figure out how. Would love thoughts from all you experts about it - is it usable, will I kill myself with the smoke since there is no chimney, will it retain heat for baking, is there anything special I should do since it seems to be pretty different from recommended designs? Thanks!

  • #2
    Re: Moved to a house with an oven

    a pic would be great!
    Go to post a message Top of the message box next to the smiley face the paper clip symbol click on it and it will open another box that will allow to upload a pic, just follow the promps. Sometimes the pics are two big and youll have to downsize them.
    When you return to the message window click on the paperclip symbol and you find your pics there.
    1 pic for I-phone and tablettes up to 5 with a computer.
    You'll find that the oven could probably have an entrance attached with a chimney. But in the mean time the ovens probably a bit damp from lack of use,
    also check you using dry wood. these would be two of the most common causes of smoking. Once hot most WFO don't smoke at all.
    Regards Dave
    Measure twice
    Cut once
    Fit in position with largest hammer

    My Build
    My Door


    • #3
      Re: Moved to a house with an oven

      Almost any space enclosed by fired clay brick will work to some extent.There are plenty of internet bloggers who've made "boxes" with bricks and have cooked in them.

      From there, it's a question of degree.
      If it's insulated, it will work better.
      If the dimensions were more like the ovens generally built on this forum, it would get hotter with less fuel, etc.
      If it's got decent mortar, it won't fall down as soon as it will if the mortar is just sand and portland cement.
      If it had a chimney you wouldn't get so much smoke in your eyes, but plenty of ovens get built without chimneys.
      etc, etc, etc......
      My theory is - if it looks at all useable, try it out. It'll either be a waste of firewood and food (so don't plan a 40 person pizza party just yet), or it will be good enough to keep you interested.

      Post some pictures, then there will be plenty of advice on what to do next.

