I live in Fillmore County about 30m southeast of Rochester, MN
The economy is in the tank, business is slow and it appears I've finally got time to build a Pompeii oven! I'm planning to pour the slab within the next 2 weeks (on top of concrete piers). The oven stand will be crafted from rip-rap sized limestone from the quarry in Fountain. The oven itself will be about 42 inches.
Still pondering the rest of the details ... if there are any other builders within 100 miles or so I would be interested in visiting to see how your projects have turned out.
The economy is in the tank, business is slow and it appears I've finally got time to build a Pompeii oven! I'm planning to pour the slab within the next 2 weeks (on top of concrete piers). The oven stand will be crafted from rip-rap sized limestone from the quarry in Fountain. The oven itself will be about 42 inches.
Still pondering the rest of the details ... if there are any other builders within 100 miles or so I would be interested in visiting to see how your projects have turned out.