Hi guys, great site!
I finished my pizza oven about a month ago. The inner dimensions are 85cm x 65cm. The dome height is 45cm. I built the oven based on info I gathered on the internet. I used firebricks for the base, but used normal redbricks for the dome. The reason was financial, the firebricks here in Taiwan are thirty times more expensive than housebricks, no kidding!
The oven works really well, but it needs an enormous amount of wood to keep it going for pizzas and it doesn't retain heat for baking bread.
A friend of mine here builds kilns and he suggested raising the oven floor with another layer of firebricks to reduce the dome height. The oven chimney is in front so it looks like the cool air sucked in at the bottom is cooling the oven too much. I was thinking about using fireclay and mortar to build another inner dome (with difficulty), to increase the oven's heat retention. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

I finished my pizza oven about a month ago. The inner dimensions are 85cm x 65cm. The dome height is 45cm. I built the oven based on info I gathered on the internet. I used firebricks for the base, but used normal redbricks for the dome. The reason was financial, the firebricks here in Taiwan are thirty times more expensive than housebricks, no kidding!

A friend of mine here builds kilns and he suggested raising the oven floor with another layer of firebricks to reduce the dome height. The oven chimney is in front so it looks like the cool air sucked in at the bottom is cooling the oven too much. I was thinking about using fireclay and mortar to build another inner dome (with difficulty), to increase the oven's heat retention. Any suggestions will be appreciated.