I have a 100+ year old commercial coal oven I'm looking into restoring for use as a pizza oven. The design is very close or identical to Pepe's oven in CT. Does anyone have any info about where to purchase new door or furnace hardware like grates and the main weighted door frame for example? Also anyone with some expertise in the masonry aspects of this restoration: the chamber will need to be made smaller and some tuck pointing done in the furnace box? Proximity to NYC is a plus but I'm happy to travel to meet and greet. Many thanks in advance.
I have a 100+ year old commercial coal oven I'm looking into restoring for use as a pizza oven. The design is very close or identical to Pepe's oven in CT. Does anyone have any info about where to purchase new door or furnace hardware like grates and the main weighted door frame for example? Also anyone with some expertise in the masonry aspects of this restoration: the chamber will need to be made smaller and some tuck pointing done in the furnace box? Proximity to NYC is a plus but I'm happy to travel to meet and greet. Many thanks in advance.