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Need advise on chimney

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  • Need advise on chimney

    Hi all.

    So i just finished putting my chimney on the arch yesterday, not the most pretty i admit, however the question is not the beauty of it - it will be boxed in.
    But i have a 200 mm inner diameter of the chimney, and 40mm insulation on either side. After placing it on top of the arch, i took 2x3 cut bricks to morter in with refactory mortar, to both hold it in place, but also to close the gab on either side of the chimney.

    After sleeping on it, I've trying to find out if something is wrong with this, im thinking about the materials expanding etc ? Or is what i made good enough ?

    i plan to put perlcrete to fill up around, and then after getting the surface nice and smooth I fill the enclosure with loose perlite.

    Another question, the dome with only inner arch has been done for more than a week, and i started curing really slow. do I need to wait another week for the arch/chimney section to air dry before i can continue the curing of the entire thing.

    Please look at my last Picture in the signature link

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  • #2
    Re: Need advise on chimney

    My gut feel is that you should be fine. Your insulation around your chimney will allow some expansion. What is your chimney made of?


    • #3
      Re: Need advise on chimney

      Perfect jeep

      The chimney is an isolated chimney - without knowing the exact specs I reckon something like perlite and cement. It feels light and strong - and is used for chimneys inside houses etc. the guy who sold it to me knew a lot about wfo..
      Just wanted to check with the pro's (you guys )
      Follow my build:


      • #4
        Re: Need advise on chimney

        I yield to the real pros on this site. Many of the regulars on this forum are really smart and experienced....and know their wfos! They got me through my build.


        • #5
          Re: Need advise on chimney

          I don't consider myself a pro but, have you got pics of your liner and your build? The manufactures site (of your liner) would help greatly. I'm just asking, so you can get some more opinions .
          Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


          • #6
            Re: Need advise on chimney

            Originally posted by Gulf View Post
            I don't consider myself a pro but, have you got pics of your liner and your build? The manufactures site (of your liner) would help greatly. I'm just asking, so you can get some more opinions .
            Hi Gulf,
            You can follow the Pictures in the link in my signature.
            The chimney section that i have added wil have an additional section on top that goes through the roof, but this will have to wait until the tent is gone

            The manufactor is ISOKERN - i think its also pretty common in the US & CA - atleast in Denmark, they use it for chimneys in houses etc. They are known for its great draft because of the isolation inside it.

            I hope above is sufficient info.

            The dims of the 1 section already installed is: 600x?200 mm (internal dims)
            Follow my build:

