over the summer we built a trellis over the oven. we wanted the kind of excitement that comes only from having a large amount of combustible wood near the chimney! no, just kidding, we wanted something on which we could rest some temporary panels so we don't have to make pizzas in the rain this winter. also, its going to help keep more of the heat from the oven confined to the area around the oven when the winter comes. the middle panel of slats is removable to allow easy access to the top and to the chimney.
with respect to fire danger; i don't start the fire with lightweight material (like newspaper) and i've never seen a glowing ember escape from the chimney (which is topped with 2 layers of wire mesh). temperature at the top of the chimney is 475 (F) when the interior temp is over 1,000 (F).
with respect to fire danger; i don't start the fire with lightweight material (like newspaper) and i've never seen a glowing ember escape from the chimney (which is topped with 2 layers of wire mesh). temperature at the top of the chimney is 475 (F) when the interior temp is over 1,000 (F).