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Side chimney?

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  • Side chimney?

    Hi, I'm in the process of finishing my dome design before laying the bricks--stand, hearth, insulating slab all done--and because of limited room, I don't have space for a big doorway arch tunnel. Would placing the chimney on the side, with an opening midway up the dome, opposite the fire, be an acceptable alternative to front-and-center? Drawing attached.


    Click image for larger version

Name:	Photo on 6-29-16 at 12.33 PM.jpg
Views:	117
Size:	174.9 KB
ID:	389829

  • #2
    Of course it'll work, in that you will have an enclosure made of brick in which you can light a fire and capture lots of the heat generated.
    As you show in your drawing, you will need that damper in the chimney if you want to remove the fire and do retained heat baking.
    I would still try to arrange the chimney so that the height of the hole is about 63% of dome height, same as the usual and I would use a door with an opening at the bottom to admit combustion air (sometimes called a blast door) while minimising heat loss out the front when firing the oven.
    Will it work as well as the traditional Pompeii style? Dunno, but I'm tipping it won't be too bad at all. Fire on the left, chimney on the right, the flames will curl up and over the top before exiting the chimney, so the roof should still get hot and reflect heat down on the floor.

    P.S. no liability accepted if it turns out to be a glorious failure.


    • #3
      That was exactly my thinking. Glorious failures are on me. Thanks!


      • #4

        I used to clarify my statements like that with,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"If it doesn't work,..................... blame Russell"
        Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


        • #5
          Ha, Ha. All care and no responsibility, that's me.


