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Help determining type of firebrick

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  • Help determining type of firebrick

    Hi everyone I am new to the forum and am getting ready to purchase some firebrick. I came across an add for some fire brick I am not able to tell what type of brick it is as it is a foreclosure auction and the owner cannot tell me. Can any of you look at the attached photo and see if this would be worthwhile to purchase or if I should just bite the bullet and buy them from my local landscape supplier?

  • #2
    It is really difficult to tell from a pic of stacked bricks. Some do appear to be standard size firebrick. Some appear to be 8". It looks like the thicknesses in that stack range from 2.5", 2.25" and 2". Some brick in those sizes can be pavers that are real difficult to distinguish from firebrick. You did not mention what you were going to offer for that stack. You also did not mention what your local brick yard charges for new firebrick. Someone, recently on the forum, was under the impression that firebrick cost much more here in the states than they actually do. If it were me (and I could get that stack for a song) I would use them in an outdoor fireplace, BBQ or firepit. But, not in a WFO.

    just sayin'
    Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


    • #3
      Thanks for the quick reply. I believe my local supplier has bricks for about $1.50. I was thinking of offering max for the pallet $100, but I don't want to end up with a pile of bricks that I have no use for. I already have the grill and kitchen built just need to start the oven to complete my project.


      • #4
        mrchipster built his first oven with used bricks and had to rebuild his entire oven when they failed. I can't remember what he determined as the problem. $1.50 for bricks is a great price...hate for an oven to fail structurally or in performance for a few hundred bucks after all the time and work put into construction. I would second Joe's opinion.

        See my build thread here.

        See my build album here.


        • #5
          I believe that Mrchipster used used fireplace bricks for his first build, and they crumbled as he started curing. It has been a while since I talked to him about it though. It doesn't cost that much to buy new bricks so that would be my route for how much work goes in to a oven. I spent more on insulation then bricks, and would do the same again.



          • #6
            I think that we later figured out that they were used "sodium silicate" fire brick. Not suitable for a WFO even in new condition.
            Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


            • #7
              Originally posted by Gulf View Post
              I think that we later figured out that they were used "sodium silicate" fire brick. Not suitable for a WFO even in new condition.
              Do you think normal red bricks will crumble if used to build an oven dome?
              In the UK the firebricks are expensive, I am building a huge oven with 2meter radius ....any thoughts ...advice would be appreciated.


              • #8
                We get this question from time to time. Many clay brick wil not take the heat. Some will. I found some bisque colored pavers that I would take a chance on for a small oven, if I could not source firebrick. I have been firing a couple of them in my oven for the last several cooks. So far so good. But, that does not mean that they would last for the long term. Also, over here there is not that much difference in the prices of firebrick and clay pavers to risk an experiment. If I were determined to build out of them, I would get a few samples and fire them with lump charcoal as many times as I could before I made the final decision to use them.
                Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build

