I have time on my side so I am doing my best to avoid paying retail prices..
Our local buy and sell site "Gumtree" is very handy
So far I have spent $150 Australian.. About 106 USD..
For that I have....
Enough rebar to complete 2 concrete slabs.. With a lot left over..
120 Insulating fire bricks.. I plan to lay these as a base instead of the CalSil board, the remainder will be for the lay back flue that will located on top of the dome.. Using a traditional flue arch but then redirected back over the dome then up from there..
3.3 metres or 11 feet of insulating blanket
30 full size fire bricks with a box of off cuts that the seller had from the build
Three quarters of a bag of perlite
An internal dome form for the flue gallery.
Some CalSil tiles that I haven't really looked at yet..
Acquired for no cost from friends..
Enough 230 x 115 x 38 super duty fire bricks for two layers of the base
A lot of those little concrete things that hold the rebar off the form work...(old photo)
Our local buy and sell site "Gumtree" is very handy
So far I have spent $150 Australian.. About 106 USD..
For that I have....
Enough rebar to complete 2 concrete slabs.. With a lot left over..
120 Insulating fire bricks.. I plan to lay these as a base instead of the CalSil board, the remainder will be for the lay back flue that will located on top of the dome.. Using a traditional flue arch but then redirected back over the dome then up from there..
3.3 metres or 11 feet of insulating blanket
30 full size fire bricks with a box of off cuts that the seller had from the build
Three quarters of a bag of perlite
An internal dome form for the flue gallery.
Some CalSil tiles that I haven't really looked at yet..
Acquired for no cost from friends..
Enough 230 x 115 x 38 super duty fire bricks for two layers of the base
A lot of those little concrete things that hold the rebar off the form work...(old photo)