Well, I have been away from these forums for a while, to much to do, no time to do it. But finally we have made our move and are now in Beijing.
The house is closer to being handed over to us, just the shell and we've been meeting with designers about how to do the interior.
So, this also means in the not too distant future I am finally going to be able to get my WFO started.
Now, I got the wife putting pressure on me and a new job to start soon. The wife is telling me I shouldn't go to all the trouble of building an oven. She wants me to just buy one. There is a fireplace shop nearby that just started selling brick ovens from a company called Palazzetti I took a look, there are some nice designs but I still like the FB ovens better.
Either way, what to do?
Is there really much difference in the cooking between the modular and the brick? I looked at the FB page about the issue but it was not too helpful. If I went with this nearby company I would have a modular oven installed and everything. No muss no fuss. But, I was kinda getting psyched up for the M&F. I mean it's an adventure to build your own right? Sure its a lot of work and back aches. Is it worth it?
I would like to hear from those of you that have gone down this road already. Made this decision, to buy or to build, mod or real brick, etc...
Thanks fellas.
The house is closer to being handed over to us, just the shell and we've been meeting with designers about how to do the interior.
So, this also means in the not too distant future I am finally going to be able to get my WFO started.
Now, I got the wife putting pressure on me and a new job to start soon. The wife is telling me I shouldn't go to all the trouble of building an oven. She wants me to just buy one. There is a fireplace shop nearby that just started selling brick ovens from a company called Palazzetti I took a look, there are some nice designs but I still like the FB ovens better.
Either way, what to do?
I would like to hear from those of you that have gone down this road already. Made this decision, to buy or to build, mod or real brick, etc...
Thanks fellas.