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Amerigo Pizza Ovens

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  • WJW
    Re: Amerigo Pizza Ovens

    A joke.

    No insulation under the hearth (or on sides/top) is called for in the plans, but you could fix that major flaw by departing from the plans and adding insulation above and below the oven.

    What can not be fixed is that it is wider than it is deep (Which will likely create problems with its ability to draw well.)

    But most significant (and relatively difficult to remedy) is the fact that the chiminey is in the wrong place. The chimney should be outside (just forward of) the main oven chamber. Having the chimney inside the oven chamber allows the heat to pour right out the top and getting it up to temp will take much longer than it should. Just as improtantly, having the chimney and flur forward of the oven chamber will allow you to close it up so you can actually use it as an oven. That way, after you are done cooking pizza you can close a door and use the stored heat to roast a turkey, or rack of ribs, or a pork sholder, or whatever. Browse a few of the threads around here and then either build yourself a real oven or buy one of the excellent kits sold by the forno bravo people.


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  • Laurentius
    Re: Amerigo Pizza Ovens

    It looks like another member had a less than ideal experience on this forum but the thread kindda dwindled out with knowing what exactly he did to resolve smoke issue.

    Hi GWN,

    What is this in reference to?

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  • Laurentius
    Re: Amerigo Pizza Ovens

    I wouldn't touch it with a 10ft pizza peel. After being fired for 3hrs, its totally useless. Save your money, keep shopping.

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  • Great White North
    started a topic Amerigo Pizza Ovens

    Amerigo Pizza Ovens

    ANYBODY know anything about this oven (or manufacturer)? experience?It is not a conventional shape but heavy duty looking.

    It looks like another member had a less than ideal experience on this forum but the thread kindda dwindled out with knowing what exactly he did to resolve smoke issue.

    Thanking you in advance.