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Neapolitan / Napoli oven design question

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  • Neapolitan / Napoli oven design question

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Pizza Oven Line Drawing.jpg
Views:	266
Size:	44.7 KB
ID:	382441 I downloaded this from the FB pdf on the Vesuvius Line. My question is what goes on the 'dead' space between the 2" of insulation covered with mortar and the outer layer of tile covered motar? I included a marked up picture. Thanks!

  • #2
    Originally posted by MeLoN BaLLaR View Post
    [ATTACH=CONFIG]n382441[/ATTACH] I downloaded this from the FB pdf on the Vesuvius Line. My question is what goes on the 'dead' space between the 2" of insulation covered with mortar and the outer layer of tile covered motar? I included a marked up picture. Thanks!
    We use extra insulation to create the "shape" of the oven. It isn't dead space, but ceramic fiber insulation blanket. It is more cosmetic than anything. The Primavera is the same dome size and is shaped a little different.
    Forno Bravo


    • #3
      Perhaps this explains my question better. Because of the long throat of this oven, there seems like a dead space between the mortared insulation and the outer exterior tiled wall. What goes here?Click image for larger version

Name:	Vesuvio diagram.jpg
Views:	157
Size:	69.9 KB
ID:	382452


      • #4
        Originally posted by admin View Post

        We use extra insulation to create the "shape" of the oven. It isn't dead space, but ceramic fiber insulation blanket. It is more cosmetic than anything. The Primavera is the same dome size and is shaped a little different.

        OK, makes sense. I assumed the longer throat was so you could make this Neapolitan oven a bread baking multi-tasker by closing off the chimney vent when you placed the door. This seemed to create the larger volume between the throat exterior and the exterior walls. Thanks for the reply!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by MeLoN BaLLaR View Post

          OK, makes sense. I assumed the longer throat was so you could make this Neapolitan oven a bread baking multi-tasker by closing off the chimney vent when you placed the door. This seemed to create the larger volume between the throat exterior and the exterior walls. Thanks for the reply!!
          The chimney vent will not close off with the door insert. The throat is more a keep it warm space. However, the design is more in tune with Naples style ovens for heat distribution / efficiency. The heat will exit and up the vent, trapped above the dome below the insulation assisting oven in retaining thermal mass and evenly distributing the heat for bread baking.


          Forno Bravo

