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Structural question on block stand

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  • Structural question on block stand

    Hi everyone,
    Regarding the block stand, my planned oven will have a deck meeting the front edge around 1/3rd the way up from the slab therefore rendering the 'traditional' wood storage area at the front useless, unless i pour a 3rd slab i guess?? can any of the wise building brains on this site see any structural issues in putting the wood storage access area on the left side of the oven block stand? The left side as you look at the oven straight on that is.
    Oh and yes, i plan to increase the level of the cooking floor to a workable height too.
    Many thanks

  • #2
    Kingo, there have been several ovens on this forum built next to a deck requiring additional height for the hearth, and also many where the entry to the wood storage was on the sides or back of the oven. You need to spend some time searching the forum to see what others have come up with. Since your stand will be a little taller than standard (if I understand you correctly) you will probably want to take extra care in reinforcing the blocks to accommodate the increased height.
    My build thread


    • #3
      Here's a solution. The wood storage is at the side. Nice mosaic of Positano too. Click image for larger version

Name:	R&T2.JPG
Views:	200
Size:	1.35 MB
ID:	391714 Click image for larger version

Name:	R&T.JPG
Views:	233
Size:	229.5 KB
ID:	391715
      Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.


      • #4
        Originally posted by david s View Post
        Here's a solution. The wood storage is at the side. Nice mosaic of Positano too. [ATTACH=CONFIG]n391714[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]n391715[/ATTACH]
        Thanks David,
        I've spend 8 months, on and off, looking at this site picking up handy tips in preparation for my build while our renovation/extension was being finished . I'm still getting familiar with the site but appreciate your helpful reply as i don't have unlimited time (or internet connection being rural) to trawl every post. Your attachment could be just the shot and yes i agree that is a nice mosaic!!!
        Again greatly appreciated thank you!

