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Pompeii oven on wood base

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  • Pompeii oven on wood base

    Greetings folks, I am wanting to build a Pompeii 36" oven in Ohio. I have a large wooden deck and would like to access my oven directly from it. I am NOT wanting to place it on the deck just to be clear on that. the finished level of the deck is about 2' above the ground level. I was considering 4 12" diameter concrete piers into the ground with 6x6 PT wood posts topped by a frame of 6x6 timbers to support the concrete base. The structure would be properly braced to prevent racking of course. I am just not a fan of seeing an 8 course block wall next to the deck. I have attached a pic from sketchup though ignore the fact that it does not depict the Pompeii oven at this point. mainly focused on the concept for the base.

    Last edited by mrramsey; 07-21-2017, 08:29 AM. Reason: typo's

  • #2
    My Concern is not IF the structure will carry the 4k lb load. More concerned of the piers moving independent of one another. Another option would be to do smaller diameter piers and cap with a slab then build the structure on top.


    • #3
      Timber is a poor choice for an oven stand as it moves and deteriorates in the weather. Your oven should last for generations so make the stand in masonry. Cinder (concrete) blocks are the cheapest way to go. They can be dry stacked and glued with masonry adhesive if you don't have block laying skills. The four corner cores, at the least should be filled with concrete. Here's an example.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Ryan and Teenas oven.JPG
Views:	405
Size:	182.2 KB
ID:	399974
      Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.


      • #4
        Thanks David looks like I've got another idea to draw up over the weekend.


        • #5
          Also, there is stucco, stone, and brick veneer that can mask the block construction.
          Joe Watson " A year from now, you will wish that you had started today" My Build Album / My Build


          • #6
            I notices your sketch up shows a barrel design rather than a pompeii or dome oven. Which one are you building, domes are more common on this forum.
            Last edited by UtahBeehiver; 07-25-2017, 03:16 PM.
            Google Photo Album []


            • #7
              Originally posted by UtahBeehiver View Post
              I notices your sketch up shows a barrel design rather than a pompeii or dome oven. Which one ate you building, domes are more common on this forum.
              Yeah that was an early design that I have since scrapped. I have since switched to a dome design however I am still on the fence with doing a monolithic cast or a true brick oven (Mainly a time issue as the costs are almost the same) . I have settled on a 42" dome for the size as well as a location. I have decided that I didn't want to put the oven by the deck and have since relocated about 18' - 20' away.

              My wife really likes Ken524's Old Kentucky Dome from a finished oven standpoint.

