I've been making some pretty good pizzas on my green egg, and was inspired by a post on another forum to build a wood fired oven. I hacked together what you see below. It is 32" ID on the base. The main structure is perlite/portland around 2" thick. There is a 1/4" layer of high temp mortar on the inside, and the outside is stucco. After finishing things up I happened across this forum. I started reading and realized my chimney (4" fyi) is in the wrong spot. I knew the chimney is best in the front, but I mistakenly placed it at the highest point. I thought it was supposed to work like this:

what I did:

Here is my base. It is 3.5" of perlite/portland. It will be supported by something else (haven't decided yet), and I will stack firebricks on top to make up the floor of the oven.
I was hoping to get this thing up to 800F to do some neapolitans. Think it will get hot enough?

what I did:

Here is my base. It is 3.5" of perlite/portland. It will be supported by something else (haven't decided yet), and I will stack firebricks on top to make up the floor of the oven.
I was hoping to get this thing up to 800F to do some neapolitans. Think it will get hot enough?