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US equivalent for Thermalite blocks

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  • US equivalent for Thermalite blocks

    The CaSi board is quite expensive -- I need 4 FB sheets (2'x3'x2") for a 36" oven, for just 2" of thickness. I see people in the UK using thermalite / aircrete blocks under the CaSi. I can't seem to find any online here in the US (I'm in St. Louis, Missouri). I would love to get 3" or even 4" of under-floor insulation. Maybe the thermalite blocks aren't much cheaper than the CaSi? I suppose I could go the vcrete route, not sure price-wise how that stacks up with the other alternatives.
    Last edited by plastered; 07-06-2020, 04:58 PM. Reason: Thermo1200
    My 36" build -&- Youtube Timelapse

  • #2
    Don't know about obtaining them in the states, but if you can they won't be expensive, £1.32 here in the UK 440mmx215mmx100mm.


    • #3
      Quick look and I found this.


      • #4
        Originally posted by hughjamton View Post
        Quick look and I found this.
        Thanks, I reached out to them and they only sell by the pallet -- which would be like 50 4"x24"x24" blocks at about $300 /pallet. They were very helpful, they even said if you are local (in the Florida area) they will sell you scraps and individual pieces. They suggested I look to get the fireplace bricks from Home Depot like these:

        Every wood burning stove with fire brick liners will need to have its bricks replaced on a regular basis to keep the stove performing at optimum efficiency. This 6 pack of 4-1/2 in. x 9 in. x 1-1/4 in. Ceramic Fire Bricks is the perfect package to keep your stove operating perfectly. They can be used in any brand of wood or coal stove that uses this standard sized brick.
        • Increases efficiency
        • Genuine USSC parts
        • Each brick measures 4-1/2 in. x 9 in. x 1-1/4 in. and weighs approximately 2.7 lbs.
        • Also perfect for outdoor fire-pits, outdoor pizza ovens and other uses
        I guess I would need a lot of these too, probably ending up being about the same price as the CaSi board. Maybe I should just leave it at 2" and call it good...
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        • #5
          Then why are you not looking at vermiculite or perlitie/portland mix under the floor. It is an option if your budget is limited. Have you downloaded the free eplans from Forno Bravo. If not, do so, it a good baseline to design an oven. Click image for larger version

Name:	Vcrete K values.JPG
Views:	643
Size:	159.3 KB
ID:	425199
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          • #6
            Yea, I've been looking at doing the vermiculite/perlite route all afternoon, it is probably what I will end up doing. I was looking forward to the easy-ness of the CaSi board, bricks, aerocrete/Themalite, etc.
            My 36" build -&- Youtube Timelapse


            • #7
              plastered , I'm also in Saint Louis, Missouri and before switching to a kit, I reached out to Christy Refactories about some ceramic fiber board. I don't remember the cost as it has been while, but you could give them a try.



              • #8
                Check out Distribution International, they have a 'resource center' there in St. Louis. Just today I stopped by the Dallas warehouse and picked up a carton of Thermo-1200 in 2" (9 pcs for a total of 27 sq ft) for ~$130. Thermo-1200 is apparently a more water-proof version of the Thermo 12 Gold you see others mention on here.


                • #9
                  Looks like a better new wheel.and pricing has not increased dramatically. I paid $100 for 27 sq ft of Thermo Gold 12 back in 2011.
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by loganc10 View Post
                    Check out Distribution International, they have a 'resource center' there in St. Louis. Just today I stopped by the Dallas warehouse and picked up a carton of Thermo-1200 in 2" (9 pcs for a total of 27 sq ft) for ~$130. Thermo-1200 is apparently a more water-proof version of the Thermo 12 Gold you see others mention on here.
                    Thanks a lot for this! I reached out today and they said they didn't have any in stock in STL but they can have it shipped to their location (which I have to pay for -- i think he said $120 for shipping so not too bad). He had to confirm the quote price with his manager so I should be hearing back sometime soon. Can I use this stuff in place of the CaSi board? As in just two layers of this stuff (total of 4"). Or does the CaSi board offer something else? I was originally going to do 2" of this stuff and then 2" of the CaSi board, but it might be a bit cheaper to just do this for all 4" (thermo 1200).

                    Also, is it easy to cut?
                    Last edited by plastered; 07-06-2020, 12:15 PM.
                    My 36" build -&- Youtube Timelapse


                    • #11
                      Huh, ThermoGold 12 or 1200 is CaSi board.
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                      • #12
                        miikee I reached out to Christy Refractory and they have a minimum order requirement of $500. Depending upon how this Thermo 1200 stuff pans out I may call them back.
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                        • #13
                          Originally posted by UtahBeehiver View Post
                          Huh, ThermoGold 12 or 1200 is CaSi board.
                          I know it seems stupid, that is what I was thinking too, I just wanted to be extra sure it was all good before I placed the order.

                          Got a quote of $158 /case of 27 ft2 of Thermo-1200 (comes in sheets of 2" x 36" x 18") + $100 shipping. So If I grab 2 cases that'll be a 4" base at $416 or $7.70 / ft2. Much more affordable than the FB ceramic board ($26 / ft2 with shipping). Thanks a lot loganc10 for the tip!!!
                          My 36" build -&- Youtube Timelapse


                          • #14

                            Have you given this place below a call? I just stopped by today and picked up foamglas from them. I believe that also have calcium silicate board. The three dudes there were extremely helpful.

                            Purchased from:
                            Distribution International (they have locations all around the US)

                            3515 Papin Street
                            St. Louis, MO 63103

                            Direct: 314-633-4968
                            Fax: 314-776-3019


                            • #15
                              miikee Yea I had the guys at DI order me two boxes of the thermo1200 (they didn't have any in stock). They were extremely helpful. I'll go pick it up in a couple days.

                              When I spoke to them on the phone they asked me if I was the guy who wanted the foam glass. Tis a small world!
                              Last edited by plastered; 07-06-2020, 04:54 PM.
                              My 36" build -&- Youtube Timelapse

