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question about floor

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  • question about floor

    HI Guys.
    so I build a 6x6 base from ciment blocks sitting on a concrete slab then i put a top concreate slab reinforce with ribar and 6000 psi concreate.
    now I want to put a 5x4 x 3.5 inch thick slab made of 1 to 5 cement make and perlite. The dome will be made of 9.5x4.5 fire bricks.
    I was wondering if the cement and perlite will hold the dome or should I sit the dome on the concrete slab?

  • #2
    Dome on pcrete,if you place on concrete, heat will transfer down through concrete hearth which acts as a heat sink. Need to make sure the it was 5 parts perlite to 1 cement not the other way around otherwise the pcrete does not offer any insulation value. and 5 to 1 is strong enough to support the dome. If you have not downloaded, reviewed and study the eplans from Forno Bravo I suggest you do before you go farther. Answer to most all questions can be found there or in post in the forum. Click image for larger version

Name:	Vcrete K values.JPG
Views:	415
Size:	159.3 KB
ID:	425256
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    • #3
      Thank you. I will. I just boughtp 7 bags of perlite medium soil mix.
      is there any difference between perlite and perlite soil mix or is just wording.


      • #4
        Deleted as I have a reply on another board. Thanks
        Last edited by Dr. Leslie; 07-07-2020, 10:00 AM.

