Hi gang - I'm sure there's something on this and my search terms are bad, so sorry if this question is redundant. I'm just breaking ground with goal of building a 42" diameter internal dimension Pompeii oven. I saw UtahBeehiver post on corner oven designs, including hearth dimensions for a corner install, which is quite helpful. I'm wondering if most folks are building the slab to full exterior dimensions of the stand + finishing materials, or if there are tips/risks with building a smaller pad and having overhang of the hearth above the stand? I'm a total DIA guy - fairly handy and have done lost of projects myself but never a pizza oven and not a professional. My thoughts on this:
- plan for the stand walls (cinder blocks) to be vertically aligned with the firebricks, so that oven load is aligned over the stand walls at the Centerlines of the walls.
- Build overhang on the hearth to accommodate the full exterior dimension of the Oven (planning to do igloo style).