Re: Low Vault /High Vault
Try a company in Adelaide called Avero (08) 8353-4181, ask for Frank. They can supply anything you need, and you will pay way less than $5 per brick.
Re: Low Vault /High Vault
Hi Dai,
There are numerous makers of fire bricks in Australia but only Littlehampton Bricks make them in SA or specifically close to Adelaide. Yes, $5 eack but they can't/won't tell you their composition. I feel that they are mainly made for house open fireplace builds rather than specific oven use.
The oven is warm whilst standing directly in front of the openning whether summer or winter. Very pleasant in winter and also in summer but because you would be placing, turning or removing your pizza. I always get my guests to do all of these tasks including making their own special concoction. All a apart of the experience.
I wanted doors fixed to swing close rather than the basic lift out and store system adopted by many oven builders.
I made my openning double doors for convenience, space and to reduce the door width thus preventing it from pretruding from the chimney void. The shape with a curved arch is better accomodated in 2 doors rather than a single one.
My doors are not yet finished as I need to incorporate insulation on them to hold the heat within the oven for baking, bread, meat or any other food for you do not have fire in there for this practice. As I do not do a great deal of baking yet, there is no hurry to finish them as I will need to buy a small insulation board offcut. I would rather use my spare time, cash and effort at the moment on the patio reb
You would not close your doors with a fire going as it would be starved of oxygen and would smoke. Ideal if you were to use your oven for smoking your food.
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Re: Low Vault /High Vault
Hi neill
Thanks for the reply. Will be building the high vault style,
Are the fire bricks $5 each? wow! will be looking for second hand bricks.Enjoyed your forums will be starting the stand soon. What is the pompeii oven that you built like too use on a hot summers day?
Would a door on the front with air vents to let air in but stop to much heat escaping getting out work? A double door system? Whilst heating up or/and cooling down.
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Re: Low Vault /High Vault
Hi Dai, fellow Adelaidian.
welcome aboard.
The ideal Pompeii (or what some believe anyway) is a perfectly semi spherical dome, the height of the dome exactly half the circular diameter.
A low vault would not have a semicircular dome but one 'squashed in a little' and less than the radius.
It really doesn't matter much unless you become a specialty bread baker, but then again, a barrel oven seems better for this application.
Keep reading for the next few months, get thoroughly overloaded with information and then decide what you want to do. If you can't find the answers to your questions, ask by making a new posting. There are always plenty of experience and enthusiasm to get you back on track.
My Pompeii is well documented but lost way back in the category, so click on this link and follow it through.
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Low Vault /High Vault
I am new to this and just looking for designs and came across the pompeii design, sounds and looks good . Don't understand what is the difference between a low vault and a high vault ceiling .Does it make any difference in the pizza cooking process,oven working properties ,oven building difficulties.
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