hello, i was wondering if it is possible to minimize foundation and block wall size, to for a 36" oven? is this possible? thanks, space restriction .
Re: 36" oven
One way to minimize the footprint is to use thin material to enclose the dome. You can also place your entry on the corner, and utilize that corner space. You might even flatten the lower courses of the dome on the outside where it reaches the corner. Blanket is twice as effective an insulator than vermiculite concrete. You don't want to eliminate insulation on the side: that's really important.
Re: 36" oven
Agree with dmun. 36 inch ID oven plus 9 inches to the external surface of the brick, plus 4 - 6 inches (ceramic blanket 2 -3 inches deep) for insulation puts you at 50ish inches. Then you add your finish material. Minimum another two inches for the width of the base. A 52 - 54 inch wide base sounds about right for a 36 inch oven.GJBingham
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