It's the first week of October here in south central PA - 3 weeks or so until the first frost. Our Casa 90 is up on the stand, the brick landing is partially in place, the arch is in layout, and we've changed our minds from gabled house to igloo. So my questions:
- Does the insulating concrete for the igloo need to be put in place and shaped in one day? I'm thinking that the answer is "no" especially if I leave it rough where I left off.
- If I don't get stucco on the outside before the cold weather arrives, will the insulating concrete make it through the winter, or do I need to plan some kind of temporary protection? Is perlite or vermiculite better in this regard?
- Does the insulating concrete for the igloo need to be put in place and shaped in one day? I'm thinking that the answer is "no" especially if I leave it rough where I left off.
- If I don't get stucco on the outside before the cold weather arrives, will the insulating concrete make it through the winter, or do I need to plan some kind of temporary protection? Is perlite or vermiculite better in this regard?