Hey all,
We finished a cast-refractory oven mounted on a sturdy utility trailer last week (well, almost finished)
one of my goals was to be able to use the concepts of a rocket stove (l-shape combustion chamber, insulated vertical combustion tube...very efficient and clean burning.) to partially fuel the oven.
Here's what we've got so far...it's a work in progress, but we're really excited so far, after 2 cooking sessions.
We finished a cast-refractory oven mounted on a sturdy utility trailer last week (well, almost finished)
one of my goals was to be able to use the concepts of a rocket stove (l-shape combustion chamber, insulated vertical combustion tube...very efficient and clean burning.) to partially fuel the oven.
Here's what we've got so far...it's a work in progress, but we're really excited so far, after 2 cooking sessions.