Hi Everybody! I have been reading on here for a long time, but finally registered today so I could post. This is a really big first post, so I apologize for all of the pictures. This has become more of a project than I thought it would be originally, although it's actually been easier than expected (so far!). All I can say is I'm glad I waited until the 100 degree-plus days were over before I started.
Reading all of the posts here have been very helpful, but I figured it would be even better to interact for a change and learn more as I go along here.
Anyhow, here's what I've done so far:
Well, things started off with what was probably one of the most difficult parts so far...digging a hole (a little over a foot deep)! I didn't get a picture of the actual hole, but here it is with about 5 inches of gravel to help with drainage for the rare occasion that it rains out here.

I covered the gravel with about 5 inches of concrete just to have a somewhat solid base. Just laying my bricks out here to make sure I made the slab big enough:

Put in some cinder blocks for support and started building the wall:

Reading all of the posts here have been very helpful, but I figured it would be even better to interact for a change and learn more as I go along here.
Anyhow, here's what I've done so far:
Well, things started off with what was probably one of the most difficult parts so far...digging a hole (a little over a foot deep)! I didn't get a picture of the actual hole, but here it is with about 5 inches of gravel to help with drainage for the rare occasion that it rains out here.

I covered the gravel with about 5 inches of concrete just to have a somewhat solid base. Just laying my bricks out here to make sure I made the slab big enough:

Put in some cinder blocks for support and started building the wall:
