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Combination White/Black Oven

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  • Combination White/Black Oven

    Has anyone built a combo white/black oven? By this I mean something similar to a pompeii-from-brick design but with a firebox below.
    The firebox would vent up through ports at 60deg and 300deg (0 deg being the back, opposite the gallery), and then vent through the 'black' oven/standard chimney.
    I have thought about two domes spaced with the firebox venting through the space between the domes - but that is a lot of work and adds too much to the size of the beasty.

    One of the questions that continues to bother me about the design is the construction of the separation between the black and white ovens - that is the floor of the black and the ceiling of the white.
    Possibilities are a) 2.5 in conc slab with stainless steel fibre reinforcing (primarily for temp expansion - it only has to carry the weight of the ceramic/stone/brick 'finished'/cooking floor).
    b) a steel plate, c) brick arch ceiling with 3:1:1:1 mix above to level for a floor, d) ??
    a) - some but not a lot of conduction between firefox and oven chamber - mostly dependent upon flue venting from firebox into/through oven.
    b) - most conductive
    c) - least conductive - greatest thermal lag

    Click image for larger version

Name:	bwoven.jpg
Views:	315
Size:	552.6 KB
ID:	449323

    And lastly, one other question re flue/chimney -
    Has anyone redirected/added an internal flue above/to the side of the dome to direct the combustion gases to a chimney at the rear/side?


  • #2
    Originally posted by chrysg View Post
    Possibilities are
    a) 2.5 in conc slab with stainless steel fibre reinforcing (primarily for temp expansion - it only has to carry the weight of the ceramic/stone/brick 'finished'/cooking floor). b) a steel plate,
    c) brick arch ceiling with 3:1:1:1 mix above to level for a floor
    a) will work fine with or without the needles. Really the span is only about a foot. Many a pop up pizza oven has been made this way using a few house bricks and a couple of large concrete pavers for the roofs.
    b) steel plate would also work but would need to be 1/2" thick at a minimum to prevent distortion. You would also need to allow for lateral expansion.
    c) A barrel vault firebox with cast floor above would be the strongest and most stable design, but I would cast the oven floor separately and sit it on top of the firebox arch with say a perimeter of bricks as support.

    There are many brick ovens built with separate fire boxes and also the old cast iron ovens were similar in concept though most without the venting through the oven itself.

    Question is WHY? What are you trying to achieve?
    This design is primarily used for smoking so if that's the goal go for a tried and true design that is proven to give excellent results.

