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Marino's 42" oven

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  • Marino's 42" oven


    This is going slower than I had planned, but I am about to start the first row of bricks after the soldiers. I am having trouble uploading my pics from iPhoto, get "file failed to upload" message. Any suggestions?

    Two questions:

    With the indispensable tool determining the brick angle from the horizontal, and using a radius string to determine the trim on the sides of the bricks, I can easily taper the brick sides so as to get a clean vertical joint with no gap (and no mortar). This means I would have only a ring of mortar wedge with thickness 0 on the inside and about 1/2" on the outside, and no vertical "glue" whatsoever. I just want to avoid mortar showing on the inside, not tapering all sides to get a mortarless dome. Is this reasonable? Will the oven stand with essentially alternating horizontal rings of brick and mortar and no mortar on the brick sides?

    How do you clean mortar stains from the face of the bricks? I am a rather messy mason.

    Also, how do I get smilies in the text? When I try, the show up "translated" into regular typed words or emoticons.



  • #2
    Re: Marino's 42" oven

    Check out Les' Build for an example of a dome without mortar showing on the inside. I think conventional wisdom says you can wipe excess mortar away with a wet sponge as you go; use a wire brush up to 24hrs, and grind it away if much later.


    • #3
      Re: Marino's 42" oven

      Testing loading photo


      • #4
        Re: Marino's 42" oven

        Is that just tape on the floor, or is a pattern? Obviously a pic would be best.
        My oven (for now):


        • #5
          Re: Marino's 42" oven

          Thanks for the tips about the mortar. I was more concerned about brown discoloration from FB mortar than mortar chunks on the face of the bricks. I have been very impressed with how clean some projects look (Les', for one), but I am not that worried that I would take a grinder to it. Like they say, no one is going to stick his head in the oven once it if finished.

          The stripes are tape

          Here are some pictures of the whole thing so far (in several posts since there is a limit of 5 pics per post)


          • #6
            Re: Marino's 42" oven

            More pics, part 2


            • #7
              Re: Marino's 42" oven

              Pics, part 3


              • #8
                Re: Marino's 42" oven

                Pics, part 4


                • #9
                  Re: Marino's 42" oven

                  Please help with urgent mortar question: I got my mortar with the FB Pompeii kit. The first bag I opened contained two bags of light brown powder that set so quickly that it was hardly usable after 30 min (from a very soupy start). I found it therefore hard to work with at the beginning, but eventually it worked OK. It would set hard in just a few hours. The second bag was a grey powder that turned black when mixed with water; it remained wet for a long time, and would not set hard for days, eventually turns grey when dry (easily 1 week). I thought it was a different product and I assumed FB had made a switch from one to the other at some point and I just got a mixed batch. Now, about half way into the 3rd row of bricks, I open the next sack of mortar and find a brown powder bag and a grey powder bag! Were this supposed to be mixed before using? Is the grey-black stuff really going to set hard? Do I have to tear everything down and start over?
                  I am not setting any more bricks until I hear your answers
                  Anyway, here are some more pics


                  • #10
                    Re: Marino's 42" oven

                    In an unrelated statement towards the joints on your rows; I see some joints lining up. I think they are supposed to be offset.. at least a little. Someone else with more knowledge can clarify.
                    My oven (for now):


                    • #11
                      Re: Marino's 42" oven


                      can you direct me to LES build.



                      • #12
                        Re: Marino's 42" oven

                        Yes, the bricks should be offset . There are 6 bricks in the back with joints that are closer than ideal, and 2 that are pretty much on top of the ones below. I did not realize it was that bad until I had almost finished the row. From now on, when reaching the point in subsequent rows where the joints are getting too close, I will cut a smaller brick that will bring the joints to the proper relation. Live and learn. My hope is that since I have cut the bricks as wedges and have very little mortar in the vertical joints, the vertical joints are essentially null for structural support, and the dome will still be sound (even if it does not look right).

                        Any suggestions on my mortar question?


                        • #13
                          Re: Marino's 42" oven

                          I just called FB and asked about the mortar. The two powders (brown and grey) were to be mixed together before adding water. Amanda (tech support) said the mortar will not have the intended properties unless mixed properly. I have to tear down the dome and start over. There was supposed to be an instruction sheet with the kit (I never saw one, either it was missing or I just never saw it). I will start demolition this afternoon.
                          On the bright side (something about life, lemons and lemonade), I will be able to fix many mistakes, make a cleaner job, and FB will send me replacement mortar free of charge (Thank you FB).


                          • #14
                            Re: Marino's 42" oven

                            Almost through with the demolition.
                            Since I am about to start over, I would like to ask if the first row of bricks on the vent landing is supposed to be mortared to the floor. I did not do it the first time and found it very easy to tip the wall when applying a lateral force at the top. I wonder if an the wall will tolerate the lateral pressure of the brick arch and chimney if it is not mortared to the floor.


                            • #15
                              Re: Marino's 42" oven

                              Back to square one.

                              I used a grinder to clean the mess had made in the faces of the first 2 rows of bricks, and, since by now I think I am better at working with mortar and keeping things clean, I hope it will look a lot nicer this time. Thank you GianniFocaccia.

                              Again, are the first bricks on the vent landing supposed to be mortared to the floor, or are they free like the dome soldiers?

