Well I am finally building my oven. Years ago back when the Pompeii was a group think plan with tons of vermicrete I decided to build an oven, and well work, and other re-model projects got in the way. Well after nearly a week of catch-up I have found this forum has developed greatly and the new homebuilt brick ovens are great. With modern refractory insulation prices now affordable I have decided to build a mobile wood-gas combo 39" brick oven with a setback flue and polished concrete entry deck.
Here is the plan: 39" floor, 18" tall dome, 7" soldiers, 18.5w x 11.5"h opening, welded stainless stand, 4" ceramic insulation.
I am finalizing material orders this week and then I will start on the frame.
A quick goog sketch.
Here is the plan: 39" floor, 18" tall dome, 7" soldiers, 18.5w x 11.5"h opening, welded stainless stand, 4" ceramic insulation.
I am finalizing material orders this week and then I will start on the frame.
A quick goog sketch.
