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captain: didn"t get passed 2 mississippi

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  • captain
    Re: captain: didn"t get passed 2 mississippi

    I am not to good with the photo but check out the first 25 slide show in the post photos site, 25 more to follow wed.

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  • james
    Re: captain: didn"t get passed 2 mississippi


    Buonissimo. It's great hearing about another oven taking sail; it feels like launching a ship. Perhaps folks should start smashing a bottle of Prosecco against a new oven. You have many more pies to look forward to. Don't forget to look at Jim's break baking videos and (soon to be posted) bread baking tutorials on

    To save other bakers from burning all the hair off of their knuckles, only use Mississippi when you are baking and roasting. As Captain notes, you can't even get you hand in the oven when your oven is at pizza heat.


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  • captain
    started a topic captain: didn"t get passed 2 mississippi

    captain: didn"t get passed 2 mississippi

    well I thank all of you for all the help with Photos and info it was well worth it ,I made two pies the other nite wiel is was in the seveth fiering The bricks where all white in about 1 hour and did the 1mis, 2mis, and could not get passed that my little oven thermameter,was only reading about 550 and that was in the front next to the opening I cooked these pies in about 3 minutes, and they were great, i just have to work on maniging the fire. I also felt the outside and I was getting a little heat so I am going to give it anothe coat of vermiculite that will make 5 coats plus a scratch coat of stucco and then the finish. I posted a slide show on the post photos and I will post anothe 25 on wed. can"t wait to try some bread. Thanks again for all the Info.