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Pompeii heat up?

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  • #16
    Re: Pompeii heat up?

    Ken, how much difference does a heat break make in these temperature curves? I have three....That could be some of the difference between our numbers rather than insulation, yes?
    Lee B.
    DFW area, Texas, USA

    If you are thinking about building a brick oven, my advice is Here.

    I try to learn from my mistakes, and from yours when you give me a heads up.


    • #17
      Re: Pompeii heat up?

      There are a lot of variables from oven to oven.

      Brick chemistry, manufacturer of the brick, how they are cut, type of mortar used, oven shape, ambient outside temp & humidity, humidity of the insulation, type of insulation, door design, heat breaks...

      Whew! I don't think you can pick any one variable to explain differences in ovens .
      Ken H. - Kentucky
      42" Pompeii

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      • #18
        Re: Pompeii heat up?

        Originally posted by Ken524 View Post
        There are a lot of variables from oven to oven.

        Brick chemistry, manufacturer of the brick, how they are cut, type of mortar used, oven shape, ambient outside temp & humidity, humidity of the insulation, type of insulation, door design, heat breaks...

        Whew! I don't think you can pick any one variable to explain differences in ovens .
        Hi Ken, You are correct with the number of variables that are contained in each oven build and data collection. And to compare a 5 degree difference would be impossible for sure. Most of the variable could be discarded when trying to explain a 50 degree or more difference.
        An example would be using thermocouples to measure temp. Unless you have them calibrated and referenced to an ice bath they will not be accurate. So why do I use them without an ice bath reference? Simple the difference maybe 5 degrees between displayed temp and actual temp. But I am looking at relative temps. If my temp read 87 degrees on a day that is actually 83 degrees big whup! I am not recording daily temps, but pizza oven temps at 700,800 or 1000 degrees If I read 1005 degrees is it going to matter to me and the burnt pizzas if the temp was really 1000F or 1005 F? Now if the temp difference was 50 degrees and I am trying to bake bread and the oven is at 375 F and I want at least 425 F (which is what the meter reads) for some oven spring then this is a problem.

        I would say the basic design of the Pompeii oven cannot be compared to a barrel vault when discussing changing number of heat breaks, but Pompeii to Pompeii oven with approx. same mass and insulation. Then anything that is a significant difference could be attributed to more or less heat breaks.
        I do wish I had more heat breaks in the landing/vent area.
        Hope I didn't ramble too much.
        btw Ken I love your build! GREAT Job!
        Build Thread:
        Oven Blog:


        • #19
          Re: Pompeii heat up?

          Originally posted by GianniFocaccia View Post
          Thanks for the detailed input, Ken and Lee. It's interesting that after the initial temp drop the dome and floor coast at nearly identical rates. This statistic suggests that the oven hastruly equalized and that the dome will always remain hotter than the floor since heat rises.
          "The higher the heat, the greater the heat loss". That's why the cool down is not a straight line graph. Given time the floor and dome temps will equalize, providing the floor is adequately insulated or does not contain dampness.
          Kindled with zeal and fired with passion.

