Re: Stuck at chimney. Need pictures and instruction.
Thanks Gulf! I do have something like this in mind since I'm now using a clay flue, honestly I really should do a LITTLE planning! This flying by the seat my pants is wearing me out!
Your picture is very similar to what I have in mind...hopefully I can squeeze out enough room on my already too short hearth to get that all on there.
I was referring to the platform where the flue will sit, the bricks are cut 1 inch thick x 2 1/2 wide there, except the front, they will have to be 1 1/2 inch wide since I don't have the space off the front to make the entry any longer and still get my facing bricks on (augh..planning...and measuring!) I was worried that platform might not be strong enough if I didn't reinforce it with another row of thin brick, but it sounds like it will be pretty sturdy as is.
I got my new blade, so I can work this out tomorrow. I may have a chimney soon! Ahh...the finish work should be much easier and less stressful!
Originally posted by Gulf
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I was referring to the platform where the flue will sit, the bricks are cut 1 inch thick x 2 1/2 wide there, except the front, they will have to be 1 1/2 inch wide since I don't have the space off the front to make the entry any longer and still get my facing bricks on (augh..planning...and measuring!) I was worried that platform might not be strong enough if I didn't reinforce it with another row of thin brick, but it sounds like it will be pretty sturdy as is.
I got my new blade, so I can work this out tomorrow. I may have a chimney soon! Ahh...the finish work should be much easier and less stressful!